
Awstats apache
Awstats apache

awstats apache

The ownership and permissions settings can be found in the file

  • the apache log files are owned by root:adm and have.
  • awstats runs as your apache user www-data.
  • I would think that would depend on how far back you want to provide the stats to your users. Posted: Sat 21 Jun '08 9:36 Post subject:

    awstats apache

    Should I be archiving older log files? If so, at what threshold? Prior month's? This log analyser works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all the possible information your log contains in a few graphical web pages. I noticed it has been taking longer and longer to run the batch file at night. AWStats is an open-source Web analytics reporting tool that generates advanced web, streaming, FTP or mail server statistics graphically. Posted: Fri 20 Jun '08 2:59 Post subject: Re: Apache, Awstats and mod_log_rotate Thanks for the great batch file and walkthrough. Posted: Mon 14 Apr '08 10:42 Post subject: I do not use rotate logs, I have a Dummy awstats conf file as last (named it awstats.which clears the log, with the lines in it:įor every Vhost I have also rewrite code, so (without in the log file. I run awstats with Cron (Sambar) every day once with:Ĭ:/perl/bin/perl.exe f:/web/stat/aw/awstats_ now -awstatsprog=f:/web/stat/aw/ -configdir=f:/web/stat/aw LogFormat = "%virtualname %host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot %uaquot" I too made for all Vhosts a awstats conf file, for example for the Apache Lounge: I use one log file for all Vitual hosts, by adding %v in front:ħ8.99.131.97. Great write up, thanks! It stimulates me to write up my setup: Posted: Sun 30 Mar '08 19:53 Post subject: This procedure will create a new access.log file per day for each vhost with a readable date and allow Awstats to read all log files in order to create the stats for each site. You can also run the batch file from a CMD prompt to test it. I named the above batch file awstats.bat and placed it in the x:\path\to\awstats\Now add the batch file to Task Scheduler and set it to run once per day. and your awstats.*.conf files are named from the folder name, i.e. The above batch file assumes that you have all your virtual hosts located in x:\etc. There is a auto-frobbing scripts but it makes far too many assumptions about how you lay your configuration files out. IF EXIST %a%awstats.%%b.conf perl %a% -config=%%b -update" You need to edit your Apache configuration for awstats. SET a=x:\path\to\awstats\wwwroot\cgi-bin\įor /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('dir /ad /on /b "x:\www"') do ( I use an edited version of robolog to accomplish this: Code: 1 - Apache or Lotus Notes/Domino native combined log format (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format) 2 - IIS or ISA format (IIS W3C log format). LogFile="x:/path/to/awstats/tools/Ĥ.) The last step is to use Task Scheduler to run a batch file to execute the CLI for Awstats on all virtual hosts. To do this, make sure you edit the LogFile line like this: Since your rotating the log files Awstats will need to combine all the logs in order to accurately create the stats. I simply used a text editor to edit the and save a changed copy for each virtual host.


    LoadModule log_rotate_module modules/mod_log_rotate.soĢ.) Open your nf and edit each vhosts' log entry like this: Code:ģ.) Install Awstats and build a config file for each virtual hosts per their documentation. Awstats is also run on a daily basis for all virtural hosts.ġ.) Install Apache with mod_log_rotate from Apache Lounge. I have Apache 2.2.8 setup with numerous vitural hosts, each with their own logs folder and mod_log_rotate setup to rotate logs on a daily basis. Here's how I setup Apache and Awstats with log rotation. Posted: Sun 30 Mar '08 19:29 Post subject: Apache, Awstats and mod_log_rotate Topic: Apache, Awstats and mod_log_rotate Forum Index -> How-to's & Documentation & Tips

    Awstats apache